Let's Go, H20.
Liquid I.V.
Fuel Your Play
- Research & Strategy
- Concepting
- Video Production
- Photography
- Social Assets
- Casting
- Editorial
- Sound Design & Mix
- Color
The Challenge
Showcase the powerful, hydrating effects Liquid I.V. can have in an active lifestyle.
The Spark
What if we reimagined Liquid I.V. beyond a hangover remedy and highlighted its benefits for a positive, proactive lifestyle.
The Delivery
Directed by Miles & AJ, the energetic and vibrant film, "Fuel Your Play," keeps audiences on the move with a dynamic visual rhythm that thrusts viewers into a refreshing journey of hydration. The campaign, featuring impromptu dance parties on the block, drops into half pipes, leaps into unknown waters, and chill moments poolside, was supported by a $20 million marketing spend aimed at repositioning Liquid I.V.'s brand purpose.
The Results
Liquid IV’s brand awareness increased with Gen-Z and Millennial consumers by over 30% and nationally with all consumers by over 40%.