Crown Your Companion

PetSmart Charities

Adopt Royalty

  • Video Production
  • Editorial
  • Sound Design & Mix
  • Color
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The Challenge

The challenge was to quickly create content that captured the cultural moment of the royal coronation, aiming to boost pet adoptions for the month.

The Spark

What if we reimagined a royal coronation, but for pets, highlighting the importance of adopting a pet rather than buying from a high-end breeder?

The Delivery

Directed with a touch of whimsy and grandeur, the "Royal Coronation" campaign blends humor and elegance, featuring SNL's Dana Carvey impersonating the new king with a comedic twist. The campaign opens with a King Charles dog arriving at a grand palace, complete with red carpets and a throne. The new coronated king, humorously portrayed by Carvey, gives the dog the royal treatment while explaining the importance of pet adoption over following trends of purchasing dogs. This campaign not only increases PetSmart's brand awareness but also captures the emotional bond between pets and their owners, portraying pets as cherished family members deserving of the finest care.